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Alcom Business Solutions

SEO for the WIN.


Alcom uses SEO techniques to take your business to the top of search rankings.

What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Essentially the goal is to increase traffic to a website and various outlets by optimizing elements within the pages/content. 

Why seo?

If you have a business but no one knows it does it even exist? That is the value of SEO. Doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product/service, if no one knows it there’s no value.  

Videos and SEO?

SEO practices will bring people to your content. But it doesn’t guarantee a conversion. Video content combined with increased traffic can increase your conversion rates by 80%. It’s the best way to get your voice heard paired with the best way to communicate what you want to say. Win-win. 

How it works.

SEO Officer

When choosing Alcom you are assigned a personal SEO officer whos role is to increase awareness and traffic to your business. In addition to this your officer can aid in content creation suggestions and development.